James Skinner
James is the Founder & Chief Executive of
CANZUK International in Vancouver, Canada
A new book is available which discusses the past, present and future of closer diplomatic relations between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
“The Enduring Crown Commonwealth” is the latest book from authors Michael J. Smith and Stephen Klimczuk-Massion (with a foreword by historian Andrew Roberts), and analyses the ways in which closer political, military and economic ties between the CANZUK countries are more necessary than ever before.
“Few predicted the durability of the Crown Commonwealth, as the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand once seemed to be going their separate ways,” states the book’s introduction. “Today this historic alliance is staging a comeback, based on new global realities and myriad ties, including their shared monarchy. In a turbulent world, the “CANZUK” four are more relevant than ever.”
“Few predicted the durability of the Crown Commonwealth, as the UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand once seemed to be going their separate ways,” states the book’s introduction. “Today this historic alliance is staging a comeback, based on new global realities and myriad ties, including their shared monarchy. In a turbulent world, the “CANZUK” four are more relevant than ever.”
For a limited time, CANZUK International supporters can take advantage of a 30% discount off the book’s list price using code RLFANDF30 (please note, this code is valid for single orders only, not bulk orders). The book is available in both ebook and hardback, and can be purchased from the Rowman and Littlefield website by clicking here.
Heading photo: [Rowman & Littlefield]
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