Category Archives: MP

Eric Abetz CANZUK

Speaking with the UK newspaper The Express, Australian Senator Eric Abetz has pushed for closer diplomatic and economic ties between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and…

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CANZUK Polling

Independent polling of Conservative and Labour Members of Parliament in the United Kingdom has revealed strong support for establishing free movement and trade agreements with…

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During a live House of Commons debate on January 11th 2021, Members of Parliament called for the British government to work towards establishing closer ties…

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CANZUK Panel Discussion

Leading experts from across Canada and the United Kingdom attended a live online panel discussion to discuss CANZUK, including reciprocal migration, trade, foreign policy and…

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As the UK heads into the final weeks of the transition period, it is time for all of us in Westminster, however we may have…

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CANZUK Parliament

CANZUK International has been appointed as the official adviser to the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on CANZUK, which will work with UK Members of…

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British Member of Parliament for Romford, Andrew Rosindell, has publicly announced his support for the UK departing the European Union on January 31st, 2020 and…

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David Seymour MP, who is the Member of Parliament for Epsom and leader of the ACT party in New Zealand, explains why now is the…

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In what comes as significant news for promoting closer ties between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom, an All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)…

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A new report commissioned by a leading UK think tank and supported by senior British MPs has declared support for free movement and trade between…

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A report tabled in the Australian Senate this week has strongly encouraged the United Kingdom to join the Trans Pacific Partnership, effectively creating a CANZUK…

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CANZUK International’s proposals for free movement, trade and foreign policy cooperation between Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom have been adopted as official…

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Liberal Democrat Senator for New South Wales, David Leyonhjelm, has announced his support for free-migration agreements as a top priority for Australian foreign policy, similar…

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